May 31, 2010

Bar scene Preview - markers

I thought I should post a preview of what I'm working on, since I posted the line art, I thought maybe someone might be interested to see it at this next stage. 
The photo is terrible to be sure, I don't think you can make out any of the texture on the rock wall. I used a blender solution dampened piece of terry cloth and dabbed it on the rock wall and floor for a textured effect. I think it turned out nicely. I also like how the bg is looking. 
I inked it in grey, and the foreground characters in black to make them pop out, I also did a layer of French grey 10% over top of all the bg characters and elements, and I am using lighter colours on them as well.
Anyways, Enjoy this odd stage of the process :)

May 28, 2010

Ink Lineart

Wanted to show off my ink lineart of my new drawing. I've finally (FINALLY) got my grey pens, so I could ink this sketch :D I inked the bg characters and elements in the grey, and the foreground in the black! I think it's a nice effect! Now i just gotta colour the whole thing :p
Pictured here:
Edlyn, Jack, Nakia, Seth, Pehny, And Sarah plus 2 no name nobodies! HAHA
Whatchoo think?

May 27, 2010

Character Bio: Gerard

Who is Gerard?
Gerard Falconer is the Elder of the Agouti village and father to Victor and Demi Falconer. He long held the position of Clan Leader but his involvement in a Tribal war left him emotionally scarred and, in his opinion, not stable enough to maintain the Position. He stepped down to allow his son to fill that role. He is a well respected and loved member of the village. He is the resident Falconer and animal trainer in the village. While most people are able to train their own animals, he will also buy or trade animals captured, train and resell them to other villagers. He also trains birds for hunting. His Gryphon Abade is his most trusted companion, as well as Gino Tanner, who has been a friend of the Falconers for many years.
Weakness: Self Doubt, does not place trust easily in people.
Strengths: Great instincts (but it's voided sometimes by his doubt), wise and patient.

What was the Inspiration for Gerard.
I'm a movie buff, and I've always liked the older men with lots of character in their faces. Crooked noses, angles, scars etc. so his appearance fills that love of mine. I've also hated the way TV and movies always portray older men as either feeble eccentrics, or wizards. Personality wise I needed a character that could be a mentor for Victor as he appears to be rather young, it wouldn't be fitting for him to lead a whole clan of people without some kind of guidance. His past and his knowledge will be important in the overall story as well.

Gerards Relationship to other Characters
Gerard, as I mentioned has 2 grown children Victor and Demi. He is closest to Victor mainly because if the needs of the clan leader, but he dotes on Demi. Victors daughter Nakia is very close to Gerard as well. Nakia is one of the few people who see the happier side of Gerard more often than not. 

Artwork with Gerard
unfortunately, few and far between

May 26, 2010

[sketchblog] may26/10 - old sketches

Well, I sketched on the Seabus today, but it was hard because it was wet, and crowded. SO I didn't do anything really worth the effort of scanning; I did however cruise through my old sketchbook and have a good laugh at myself when I saw this sketch in there.

Demi Falconer with her Bow and arrow in a tree straddling a branch. ROFL! It's quite ridiculous. I remember sketching it and thinking that at the time too. I recall that I was just really interested in doing some nice drawings of my characters with a weapon of some manner and I remember thinking about the little details like how her dress would pull on the branch, and steadying herself with her foot on the lower branch. Overall I do like the sketch, I don't know why I never finished it. Maybe someday I will.
So anyways, I decided to scan all my half ideas, sketches and stuff I thought might be interesting to you today, instead of posting bad seabus sketches :p

Right after that Demi sketch in the sketchbook is this little sketch of Gino Tanner with his whip. Yes, I thought a man who dedicated himself to tearing the hide from animals for a living would likely do the same thing in a combat situation. I vaguely recall not finishing it because it hid his face too much, and while I wasn't opposed to that per say, I didn't want to cover his cute moustache (such as it is). I might Finish it someday. One day I might be hard up for colouring! HAHA! I always need an excuse to break out the Copics.

Alongside gino in the book were these thumbnail sketches of various whip poses. Obviously a few of the more prominent ones are female, but I think that's just cuz I like drawing women so much, HA! Maybe I liked these poses better so I never finished sketching Gino for that reason. Who knows.

I do like 2 of these a bit better than the one I did in the above sketch so maybe one day I'll revisit the concept. Again, I don't think the sketch is bad. Unfortunately some of my best sketches never make it to the final drawing board, for one reason or another.

Lets see whats next, Oh yes. Some of you might recall in April I did a Sculpture of Kitty's unicorn from Daqueran. I did some initial sketches for that one. Here is the main image I used as a reference for that sculpture.
Turned out pretty good, I thought.

Speaking of Sculptures, there are 2 now on the go that I have planned for the near future; probably after Fan Fair Fest is over. They're a pair; both my monsters - my gryphon Abade, and my ..whatever, Joey - pining for cherries. I think they'll make a cute pair. In the sketch of Abade, you get a bit of an idea of the construction process I've got planned for her. I'm still looking for supplies for her construction as well. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find little narrow pipes when you don't have a vehicle to explore outside your travel zones.
So there you go, A little glimpse into the unseen sketches of my big fat sketchbook... one of the many sketchbooks I have on the go at any given time. I have about 20 books either untouched or partially used. It's amazing how many I have sometimes, Lol.

Hopefully this was interesting to someone :)
As a last bit, here's a little section of my current sketch, that I hope to actually finish!

May 24, 2010

guruubii's poll

guruubii's poll: Which colour Scheme is best for this creature I've designed for my :devconflagration-film: ? (Isn't it rad? I'll post a good drawing once I decide on the colour :la: )

Decide on the colour scheme of this new creature design :)
If you don't have a deviantart account just leave the number in a comment here :)


I decided to participate in the GryphonArtistsUnited group's art exchange, and this is what I did. It's Eviri's Gryphon, done in Copic Markers with the Copic ABS :)

guruubii's poll: What would help you connect to the characters of Coflagration more?

guruubii's poll: What would help you connect to the characters of Coflagration more?

I feel like my characters are just not memorable, or my followers are not able to connect with them in some ways. I don't know if it's because it's a long animated film, so the true characters don't come out ever, but perhaps there is something that can be done to help create a connection to these characters while the film is being made?

Suggestions and feed back are truly welcome!

May 22, 2010

[sketchblog] may 22/10

I slipped a little Victor Sketch in this one. I picked up my new markers so I got more colours in the afternoon sketches :) I think I need to challenge myself more, so I tried contour line sketches but I think I lose some substance in that loose style. What do you think?

May 21, 2010

[sketchblog] may 21/10

Marker still running dry, but I forgot to pick up the new ones I had on Hold! Tomorrow I guess.

May 20, 2010

[sketchblog] may 20/10

seabus sketches from today. I wrote the times on there. I didn't scan them all, they're kinda redundant after a while. my Mars Duo marker is running dry on the brush end. Hate! so the top left one was done with the bullet end. not as much fun, but a neat look kinda. the drying markers gives some nice soft tones though.

May 19, 2010

Self Portrait 2

[sketchblog] May 19/10

Sketches from the Seabus trip home. Used a Mars Duo Marker on Claire Fontaine notebook paper. really quick 20 second sketches (if that)  :)

May 18, 2010

Portrait of a Nerd

I did a self portrait. My only other self portrait is a Polymer clay shadow box sculpture of the moments before my life ends, but that's a little dark. This ones moody, but it works better. The colours lie.

Copic Markers and Various Ink (splashed with paintbrush) on Aquabee Bleed Proof Paper.

As a side note, I have tumblr account, follow me there if you have one too.
I've made a page linking all my online hang outs.
It's located at my former commission website I'll gussy it up later.

May 17, 2010

Sculpture and storyboard.


I did a little bust sculpture of a new character for Kitty's Daqueran. I did the sculpture as a first sneak peek. Check it out

Its Polymer clay, and Real moss.
The painting was a bit tricky. Once I layered a couple times, it started to resist the coming layers. Gave him a bit of a swampy skin texture I didn't mind too much :)
I did the original sculpt a month or so ago, but didn't bake it and finish it off until today.

I thought I'd scan a spread from my little Moleskine storyboard notebook. It's where I first translate my little writings into images. I then take these into photoshop and make a real storyboard from them and make all the changes there. 
my writing for my story tends to be in random notebooks, scribbled all about. I attempted to keep a real screenplay going, but it seems to be difficult for me HAHA! Eventually I will make sure everything gets translated into all its various elements though. Anyways, since I dont get to post much production stuff, I thought this might be nice for some people to see?

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