May 18, 2009

Encaustics blogs

Encaustics How to Blogs

limnides expressed such an interest in Encaustics when I started posting mine, I started posting the blogs I've been wanting to do for a while. So far I've done 2 parts complete with photos:

Part 1

Supplies and tools. I went really in depth into which tools you would need, and how I improvised to make mine in a pinch. I've also included a list of pigments that should not be heated, so should be avoided in encaustics. I'll be expanding on that list as I get more information. I'll have to bug Maria again, I think I've asked her 100 times now HAHA!

Part 2
Making encaustic Medium. I step by step instruction on making encaustic medium from beeswax and resin crystals.

whats next?

Part 3-5 are coming up. I'll be making a walk through on doing an actual encaustic painting in the style that I use, since the internet is plugged full of tutorials on how to paint with the iron, but none on painting with brushes. I will also be doing a blog on safety for encaustics, and caring for encuastic paintings. So hopefully I will have sort of the definitive guide to painting with encaustics, since there doesn't seem to be anything that complete anywhere else.

What do you think?

May 16, 2009

Encaustics2 - evolution of decay

So Today was my second adventure in Encaustics. I'm doing pretty well with it i think, All things considered.
so there is my panting 'Decay'. It looks a little mouldy. I was surprised i ended up liking the finish result after my distressing melt-my-whole-painting-with-an-iron-and-watch-it-drip-on-the-floor fiasco.
So Encaustics is pretty interesting. If you haven't tried it, you should. its great fun :)
I used many transparent oil paint colours, R&F encaustic Medium (I'll be making my own from now on, i have 15lbs of beeswax, i just need to buy the resin), and some iridescent powdered pigment. Check it out:
Thats my little silicone muffin wrapper that I use as my palette XD I have tons of them I set them on a cookie sheet over the burners on my stove LOL. The irridescent looked like melted gold :D Neat!

I've discovered that the biggest enemies of encaustics are impatience, and too much heat. I burnt some of my pigment when I wasnt watching the temperature of my pots, and I melted off most of my painting when I had it looking pretty good, and I was never able to recover it. Oh well, Life goes on.

So here is a detail close up of the bottom corner. I used some Opaque pigment in Medium to achieve that mould look. I was surprised it turned out as well as it did. OMG I had one heck of a scare with it :D I accidently spread that colour over the whole thing HAHA! I melted it off though, thank goodness :B

I buffed it to a shiney shine with a nice soft cloth and I was pretty pleased with it over all.
If I was smart, I'd get painting that humming bird I need to do, but I'm out of mineral spirits too. Oh well :B HAHA!
Hope you like it :D

Now playing on Winamp: Gordon Lightfoot - Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald

May 09, 2009

Painting Updates

I have even more on the go now, HA HA! I can;t seem to stop starting new things and experimenting. I think my "on the go" painting count is up to 5 now. One Acrylic that will likely be finished in Oils since I'm not terribly fond of acrylic, one Oil abstract, the humming bird, once concept for an Encaustic painting, and a plein-Air piece that I probably wont touch anymore.

Okay First off, the Humming bird for my aunt Cathy. I work on it very infrequently because I am using oils, and a great deal of layering. I've gotten to a point where its starting to look done ish, but there is a lot of work to do on the branches in particular. The preview I've posted here is a bad photo that took a bit ago. Its drying in an awkward place with bad light so its hard to get a good picture and getting it down from its tower is a bit tricky. So deal with it. A good photo will come when it's finally done... Anyways, as you can see, its coming along. The humming bird is a little bit fantasy but you know... thats me bebeh!

I think it should be pretty nice when its done... I hope. When its done Mum will pay me the remainder.

What do you think? Any Suggestions for how I should finish it?

Next up, The encaustic painting I did today. Whoo! after so much anticipation I finally did one! HAHA! Anticipation for me anyways, I've had the supplies for so long now. I'm not 100% pleased with it. I think its a bit gloopy for me, but I still like the effects, and I had fun doing it. The luminosity of it is really stunning.
I used a few transparent oil colours, and some B.C. Beeswax, and R&F encaustic Medium since I havent gotten up the courage to make my own medium yet (and i haven't got the Resin... its sitting on hold at work).

I painted with it on my easel in a verticle position to get the nice drips, and I even took a heat gun and melted spots on the panel to create some lighter areas where the wood of the panel shows though and make more drips. I like the over lapping textures of the smooth wax pouring over the scrumbly wax.

I collaged a couple bone photos into it as well, as an experiment for a future project. Overall It turned out well and it was a promising experiment to lead into more adventurous encaustic work.

I've got a little Plein-air wet canvas carying apartatus I'm going to share on Experimental Guru later on as well! I made it to hold and carry my wet canvases when we went plein-air painting last weekend. It served very useful! That should be interesting! check it out :D

May 07, 2009

Character Bio: Victor

Who is Victor?
Victor Falconer is one of the main characters from my film, Conflagration. He is the leader of a Village inhabited by people known as the Agouti. They are a group of kind and understanding trades people. The village has a reputation of being very peaceful and generous to other tribes. Victors Father Gerard was the former Leader, but he stepped down, and Victor has stepped up to fill his place.
Victor has always been a very kind and understanding leader, and has developed many close friendships in the village. He has a good sarcastic sense of humor and can put a positive spin on most things. He is willing to take risks and stand up for what he believes is right. He likes animals but his fathers Gryphon, Abade doesn't like Victor very much.

What was the inspiration for Victor?
Well Victor is the most like me of all my characters. Most of my art is inspired by music of some kind and I think that Victors theme music would be Celtic Fiddle medleys. The cheerful upbeat music, and the feelings of a great community, wholesome fun, tight knit families - all that inspires Victor.

Now playing on Winamp: The Rankin Family - Christy Campbell Medly

(This song very strongly inspires the relationship between Victor, Jack, Nakia,Penelope and Gerard for me.)

Victors relationship with other characters
Victor gets along really well with pretty much everyone, but he does tend to tailor his behavior to each person.
In regards to his daughter Nakia, He mostly observes her and lets her make mistakes. Particularly in watching her relationship with Jack develop through the film. When Nakia complains about how much Jack irritates her, he is more likely to sit and listen to her spill her guts, saying nothing until she's worn herself out.
He has the same relationship with his father Gerard, but opposite. Gerard will keep quiet while Victor vents. Occassionally though Gerard will offer some advice.
With Jack on the other hand, he tends to communicate more with. If Jack said something about Nakia being impossible or rude Victor would defend her, or agree... since she can be pretty impossible sometimes.

Artwork Featuring Victor

Now playing on Winamp: The Rankin Family - Mull River Shuffle
via FoxyTunes
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