I spent the better part of the morning modifying my
Artician layout. I'm pretty pleased with how it looks with the exception of one thing.

The bottom of the modules side has one corner missing, and doesn't line up right. Oh well, Its pretty minor, but It still annoys the heck out of me LOL.
I'm gonna change the header later as well, but right now it matches this blog too :)
well, anyways...

Art news, I'm working on a self portrait for work. We aren't required to, but we are encouraged to. I'm going a little crazy on mine, turning the panel backwards so its like a box, and incorporating the frame as well. its going to be like a diorama of a completely random bizarre situation. I've already sculpted little guru. I've got a couple bad photo previews as you can see.
The photos aren't great, and its not a great likeness of me, but i think its still recognizable as me. I need to fix a lot of cracks in the coat and add all my buttons to it too though.
Next up is Kitty as a unicorn/centaur LOL :p
I have quite a bit of work to do on it, and I'd like it done before the staff meeting on the 16th too. hee hee hee :D
I've got so many paintings on the go, it might be a good idea to finish one.
I've also got a rough sketch for
art Nouveau contest, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to finish it :B
anyways, i better get to work on some of this stuff :D
Now playing on Winamp: Cutting crew - I just died in your arms tonight
via FoxyTunes